Audio Ltd. | CEDAR Audio Ltd. | HHB Communications Ltd. | Sadie Studio Audio & Video Ltd. |
Schoeps GmbH | Sonosax S.A. | Salient Sciences | Pinguin |
ORTF Set for Outdoor Recording ORTF Stereo Outdoor Set
- for outdoor ORTF stereo recordings
- a single basket protects the whole setup against wind
The SCHOEPS “ORTF Outdoor Set”consists of a stereophonic arrangement of two CCM 4 cardioid microphones. A special mounting bracket is elastically suspended so that the two microphone capsules maintain a distance of 17 cm and an angle of 110° to one another as prescribed for ORTF stereo recording. A matching basket-type windscreen with “Windjammer” is also included. This set has been developed in response to the wishes of numerous customers specifically for applications in film sound and the pickup of sports events.