Audio Ltd. | CEDAR Audio Ltd. | HHB Communications Ltd. | Sadie Studio Audio & Video Ltd. |
Schoeps GmbH | Sonosax S.A. | Salient Sciences | Pinguin |
PPM Bargraph Meter - Stereo PPM Meter supports PEAK, TruePeak, PPM, VU, the K-System including an advanced K with ITU weighting.
PPM 5.1 Surround - 5.1 PPM Meter supports PEAK, TruePeak, PPM, VU, the K-System including an advanced K with ITU weighting.
PPM 8/16 - 8/16 Channel PPM Display für Multi Channel / Network applications. Supports PEAK, TruePeak, PPM, VU, the K-System including an advanced K with ITU weighting.
PPM Multi Stereo - Bis zu 8 Stereo PPM Stereo displays. Supports PEAK, TruePeak, PPM, VU, the K-System including an advanced K with ITU weighting.
Stereo Correlation - Correlation Meter shows the phase correlation between two audio channels. The display ranges from +1 to -1, respectively 0 to 180 degrees phase difference.
MF Correlation - Shows the correlation in multiple frequency bands.
Gonio Meter - The Gonio Meter (or stereo meter) displays the stereo amount of a 2-channel signal.
FFT Anayzer - FFT Analyzer shows the frequency content of an audio signal. The incoming signal is divided into single bands.
RTA Real Time Analyser - Real Time Analyzer (RTA) divides the audio spectrum into third-octave bands and displays the level of each of it.
Spectral View - This spectrometer displays three parameters of an audio signal simultaneously: time (x-axis), frequency (y-axis) and level (color).
Surround Locator - Surround Locator lets you observe the total level in the surround field, its position, as well as phase relationship between 5.1 audio channels.
LDN Loudness Meter - The LDN (Loudness) Meter displays the perceived loudness of audio signals. This bargraph instrument uses an algorithm developed by IRT (Institut für Rundfunktechnik).
LDN Server - The Pinguin Loudness Server is a TCP/IP network server. It can receive and log data coming from the LDN Logging instrument and log data from up to 8 clients.
LDN Viewer - This tool lets you browse through the logged loudness data of your LdnServer.
LDN Logging - The LDN Logging enables you to perform a network longtime logging of True Peak, QPPM and ITU Loudness with the Pinguin LDN Server.
LDN Normaliser - The Pinguin Loudness Normalizer allows you to normalize the loudness of multiple audio files via batch processing.
EBU Loudness - EBU-M/S Loudness displays momentary or short-term loudness (LU), loudness range &true peak levels with a high accuracy.
EBU Intergrated Numeric - The "EBU Integrated" is a loudness meter according to EBU R-128 which displays "Loudness Range" (LRA), integrated (EBU-I) and short-term loudness (EBU-S) numerically.
LEQ Numeric - The LEQ Numeric is a meter that allows you to perform loudness measurements using different weighting curves.
PGAMMWire - The LEQ Numeric is a meter that allows you to perform loudness measurements using different weighting curves.