Audio Ltd. | CEDAR Audio Ltd. | HHB Communications Ltd. | Sadie Studio Audio & Video Ltd. |
Schoeps GmbH | Sonosax S.A. | Salient Sciences | Pinguin |
System SADiE™
Sadie ™ system was designed with an emphasis on simplicity and intuitive operation. What's more, you can always use the guide and on-screen instructions to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the program. Help system also tells how to make simple operations, and it is a source of technical information. We tried to make user instruction and online help system was transparent and understandable as much as possible. We tried to make instructions and online help system understandable as possible. In the segment of complex audio systems, which no doubt is Sadie, intended for professional use, there are many opportunities to make one operation. Where using the system You will work out your own methods of working with it.
We realize that the instruction is a comprehensive item and do not require from you look at it from cover to cover in the first approach. Nevertheless, we recommend you read this publication. Presentation SADiE6 system takes about 30 pages and contains information that you should learn to be able to create and edit video.